Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer Is Kicking In

Alright, now we are getting somewhere. The weather has finally started to cooperate for summer vegetables. The tomatoes are growing very nicely and with small tomatoes on some plants. I see a few yellow squash starting and the carrots are just really taking off. Weeds love this weather as well, so you really need to stay after them. They can get out of hand really quickly.

Notice the gap in the first two posts.  My peas were supposed to be there.

The onions are growing very well too. They look like spiky grass right now but pretty soon they will begin to flop over and harvest time will begin.

Its funny because as bad as this weather has been for some heat loving vegetables, it has been excellent for other vegetables.  I really can't remember a better season for growing lettuce.  I am on my third cutting of lettuce. Usually by this time of year the hot and humid weather has taken its toll on most lettuce varieties and they just don't grow well.  Here is a picture of my lettuce before I get ready to harvest it tomorrow morning. It is always best to harvest your lettuce before the sun starts hitting it.  Did you know that lettuce is a member of the sunflower family?

Lettuce ready for harvest
Gardeners are always thinking ahead.  They can't help but think about what they will change for next year and what needs to be planted soon. I sometimes think gardeners are never happy with the way their flower and vegetable beds look. They always think there is another kind of flower or vegetable to add or a plant that needs to be moved to a better location. Right now I am starting to think about what kind of vegetables I need to plant now for fall harvest. The one item I really want to get in within the next week or so are my peas. If you remember I was robbed of peas this summer when my local rabbit got into my garden and ate all my peas. The first average frost date in Milwaukee is about October 20th.  I think it might be a bit later than that along the lake but you never know.  With that October date in mind, I need to get my peas in the ground within the next week or two.  Hopefully, the local rabbit has moved on.

I think I may have beaten the cut worms for this season.  I suppose I might need to worry about the deer at this point.  Oh well, here is a picture of my sunflowers.

Here are a couple pictures of my perennial flower bed.  My clematis that I planted last year are loaded with flowers but I need to add some more plants. See? Always something to do.

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