Friday, July 4, 2014

Garden Update

All that hard work this spring and early summer in the garden is suppose to be paying off now. Not this year. It is just flat out frustrating and everything is just so slow to grow. Rain, clouds, fog and cool weather by the lake have not been good. We so need a couple weeks of sunny and 80 degree weather.

I look at my garden every morning before work and then again every night after work. Nothing seems to be growing. I'm probably looking at it too much so nothing is changing in my mind. I clearly just need to leave it alone for awhile but I keep thinking of fresh tomatoes and carrots.

Now, having said all that, my potatoes are growing like crazy.  These are the potatoes I am growing in the Smart Pots. I have previously written about these back in my May 18th post. These bags have really worked well.  They don't seem to dry out fast and they have been very durable.

Potatoes taking over!

Yes, blossoms!

While I'm waiting for my vegetable garden to grow I have several other projects to do in the yard. There are several bushes that need trimming, Lilac blossoms to cut off, perennial flowers are taking off and need trimming and there are always weeds to pull. Just when you think you can relax as a gardener there is something to do.

Gardening requires such calmness, patience and understanding.

Here are some pictures of my garden from last week.

Long row of carrots

Onions are cranking and beans on the right are climbing!

Still having trouble with cut worms

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